Open HRMS always makes sure to provide simple and easy-to-use tools and features for seamless management of HR-related operations. Users will get dedicated modules in Open HRMS that help employees to improve their performance. In order to bring out the best in your employees and boost productivity, there are multiple efficient modules with advanced features included in the new version of Open HRMS. The most advanced Open HRMS Core, one of the main modules in Open HRMS, will manage all HR-related processes and bring all new Open HRMS features into your database.

This chapter will detail the features of the Open HRMS Core.

The Open HRMS Core can be easily installed from the App Store. As you can see in the screenshot below, use the search box to locate the Open HRMS Core easily. Once you locate the module, click the Install button.

 Open HRMS Book hrms-core

It will bring all Open HRMS modules together. You will get an advanced user interface in your database which includes all modules installed in your system just like in the screenshot below. This is a complete solution for HR management operations in your company.

 Open HRMS Book hrms-core

The Open HRMS Core will provide a fully structured comprehensive software for the effortless management of HR operations. The features included in this module are given below.

HR Dashboard Salary Advance Interactive Theme
HR Multi-Company Shift Management Loan Management
Employee Reminders Employee Branch Transfer Advanced Employee Master
Biometric Device Automation Appraisal Plans & Strategies HR Announcements
Employee Insurance Vacation Management Law Suit Management
Appreciations & Memos Entry & Exit Checklist HR Documents
Custody/Property Management Automation on Leave Request Mails Resignation Process

This module doesn’t demand any additional configurations. Once you install the Core module, the above-mentioned features will be automatically configured to your database. The upcoming chapters in this book will detail the functioning of each of these features.