Advance Salary

HR Salary Advance is a component of Open HRMS suit. HR Salary Advance module helps the user to manage salary advance requests from employees. You can configure advance salary rules, set advance salary


HR Salary Advance is a component of the Open HRMS suit. HR Salary Advance module helps the user to manage salary advance requests from employees. You can configure advance salary rules, set advance salary limits, the minimum number of days, and provide advance salary to employees.

Add salary advance Rules in Salary Structure and provide the maximum advance percentage and advance days.
 Employees can request for advance salary.
 Set advance salary percentage limit in salary structure.
 Set salary advance days in salary structure.
Advance Salary Request
Creation of advance salary request.
advance-salary-app-openhrms Hr & Accounts Department Approval
Salary Advance request approval From Hr & Accounts Department.
advance-salary-app-openhrms Salary Deduction
Deduction of salary advance from the salary at the time of payslip creation.
advance-salary-app-openhrms Salary Advance Rules
Salary advance Rules in Salary Structure and provide the maximum advance percentage and advance days.