Introduction to Open HRMS
Open HRMS can be termed as a modified or altered version of the Human Resources Management Software of the Odoo. Open HRMS was developed by Cybrosys Technologies aiming to provide comprehensive support to various companies and organizations to manage their human resources.
Cybrosys the Gold Partner of Odoo has included different Odoo Modules including Attendance, Employee, Payroll, Recruitment, etc. As all the modules related to employee management have been integrated in Open HRMS, it becomes easier for the human resources management team and the management to coordinate all employee-related activities.
Let us take a glance at the key features integrated into Open HRMS

> Attendance
> Calendar
> Contacts
> Custody
> Discuss
> Employee
> Events
> Expenses
> Inventory
> Invoicing
> Overtime Request
> Payroll
> Project
> Recruitment
> Reminder
> Resignation
> Shifts
> Surveys
> Announcement
As this blog aims at introducing you to Open HRMS we can have a glimpse at all the key features
OpenHRMS has a user-friendly dashboard that helps you to have a look at

> Announcements
> Birthdays of employees
> Leave of individuals
> Easy review of departments
> Leave requests
> Job applications
This is a feature that can help an Open HRMS user to create announcements. This will help the team to send announcements to a particular team or to all employees. The type of announcement and the audience category can be set with the help of the journal option. With Open HRMS by Cybrosys, it becomes easier to create an announcement and set an announcement date. This application also provides a smart button in the dashboard for every employee. This button will help them to view the announcements.

Manage Employee History
This is a feature that is exclusively included in Open HRMS. This feature is not part of Odoo HRMS. This feature will help the HR wing to trace the history including previous jobs, job designation, salary and salary changes, and job contract history of an employee.

Helps to Verify Employee Background
Cybrosys has introduced a separate module in Open HRMS to help the HR team to manage employee verification. Here, the HR team can depend on an agent to verify the details provided by an employee or applicant. A set of employee verification agents can be managed and the agent can be selected from the list for background verification

Manage disciplinary Action
Every organization may need to initiate disciplinary action against their employees at some crucial times. For this, you will require a disciplinary action tracking system and Open HRMS offers you this feature.

Manage Employee Info
The employee info tab is a feature offered by Open HRMS. This helps to collect and document employee details, including dependency details, education details, and all other details regarding an employee. This will support the documentation of the marital status, address and other details, educational qualification, contact number, family and relationship, and all other details related to the Open HRMS developed by Cybrosys.

Easy Employee Insurance Management
Are you finding it difficult to manage employee insurance-related documentation and other procedures? Open HRMS gives you a permanent solution for your worries. It helps to manage policy details, payment details, monthly payments, and other details.

Exit/Entry checklist of employees
Recruitment, as well as the resignation of employees, should be recorded in a company. This can be done with ease with Open HRMS, which helps you to manage the Exit and Entry list.

Manage Legal actions
For a company or organization, there should be a proper system to manage legal matters. Odoo HRMS with a Legal Management module supports all such activities including the documentation of legal battle between the customer and the company and the employee and the company.

Want to manage a Loan?
Your company may be offering loans for your employees. To manage this you will have to set loan policies. OpenHRMS by Cybrosys helps to integrate accounts with HR-related operations. Two-layer sanction of loan request and verification of the salary structure of the employee and loan based on this salary can be done with this application.

Managing Salary Advance
This software tool helps the HR wing to manage salary advance and helps the accounting wing to deduct the advance salary from the monthly salary. Mentioning the details in the salary statement and recording in the journal will be made easy with OpenHRMS.

Raise Service Request
Open HRMS has another feature that helps your employees to raise service requests. It could be related to equipment damage, raw material requirement, or any other subject.
Regularise Attendance
Attendance regularisation is a key part of any organization. Employees who go on outdoor duty, field visits,s or client meetings will have to regularise their attendance and OpenHRMS helps them to complete the task with a few clicks.

Biometric Device Integration
As many organizations are depending on Biometric devices for attendance management, biometric integration is necessary for human resources management. Our OpenHRMS supports this feature the best way. The biometric device with IP address and port number will be integrated with the application and the data input will be automatically recorded and documented. This application also enables the integration of biometric devices at multiple locations.

Quick management of employee shift
Many firms work on shift bases and shift management is a major task for the HR wing. The shift based on time one and the convenience of the employees and the requirement of the firm can be managed with ease with OpenHRMS.
Other features include,
> Employee Resignation management
> Employee gratuity settlement support
> Reminder facility
> Transfer Management
> Overtime Request support
Reasons to choose OpenHRMS
> OpenHRMS has tried to include all features that a human resources management team requires for the smooth management of the human resources. It includes all features available in Odoo HRMS and provides many additional features.
> It addresses the basic requirements like employee recruitment, attendance management, timesheet management, expense management, etc.
> It helps to develop a strategic framework for employees with a special focus on meeting the goal set by the organization.
> It helps the organization to analyze employee performance and plan strategies to improve performances with appraisals and rewards.
> It supports the generation of employee performance reports
> The tool offers support for linking human resources management with accounts wing for expense and salary management.
> Quick support for employee retirement management calculation of full and final settlement
> Localization for WPS/UAE, GOSI, and more.
Have a look at the following blog to explore more about Benefits of Biometric Attendance System. Benefits of Biometric Attendance System